Factors that determine the car insurance price of a new driver:

Today, in the market, there are great offers from the car insurance companiesif you want to renew your car insurance, however, for new and young driver, you will not be enjoying the same treatment like them.

Finding cheap car insurance for new driver is rather up hilling and difficult. This is because most car insurance companies are not comfortable insuring them, mainly because of the poor statistic record of high accident rate that falls within this group.

However, if you use an insurance comparator you will be able to know in just seconds which insurers would be willing to cover you, including a detailed analysis of coverage and prices. We have done some of the work and have analysed the new car insurance that you can find in the market.

Which insurers offer specific new driver insurance?

Most of the insurance company will not be offering any quotations to Young and Inexperience Driver, however, among the companies that operate in the car insurance industry, there are those who offer new drivers a specific product, specially designed for them. But also, those who promise to adjust the price of their policies to young people, offering them the same guarantees. These are some of the new driver’s insurances that you can find in the market:

  • Aviva
  • Axa
  • AIG
  • eTiQa
  • Ergo

Factors that determine the insurance price of a new driver:

New drivers, especially those between the ages of 18 and 25, bear the highest insurance premiums, which can be as much as 400% higher than those of older drivers in the same circumstances.

The rationale is that the new driver’s insurance generates the highest policy expense for insurance companies. According to statistics, recklessness and inexperience behind the wheel of those under 25 increase the probability of having a traffic accident.

These young people are not only the ones with the most accidents, but they are also the ones with the most serious accidents. And therefore, the most expensive for the car insurer.

However, in this age range the premiums vary a lot also based on factors such as the age of the driving license, the number of years you have been insured or the technical characteristics of the vehicle to insure.

If you are a new and young driver (less than 25 years old) and a new driver (less than 2 years with a driving license), it will be very difficult and expensive for you to be insured by someone.

In this way, it can be affirmed that those users who are less than 5 years old will pay more for insurance than other more veteran drivers. For example, third-party insurance with the same coverage costs a driver under 25 years 20% more than another who does not reach 30 years. The difference can amount to 40% if we talk about All Risk covered companies.

Select a car that is safe:

The type of car a new and young driver drives will definitely affect the price of insurance. You and your teen can choose a car that is easy to drive and provides protection even in the event of a crash.

Avoid very small cars and sports cars that are designed for high speed and performance as they can tempt the youngster to drive at excessive and dangerous speeds. Avoid SUVs, Vans, or Trucks, as they are more likely to roll over.

Contact one of our representatives to get your personalized quote immediately, our team will be more than happy to respond to all of your questions.

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